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Insbesondere die Marken „Lok Yiu“, “ Lok Yiu Wing Chun“ (sowie die entsprechenden chinesischen Schriftzeichen), „ELYWCIMAA“ und das Logo für “ Lok Yiu Wing Chun“ sind in Deutschland und in Europa markenrechtlichen geschützt.

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Si-Fu Sven Dittrich


All texts, photos, illustrations, designs, logos, titles and brands (protected and unprotected) and all other content of this homepage are the property of the operator of this website or of the ELYWCIMAA Si-Fu W. Blech GmbH & Co. KG.

In particular, the brands, „Lok Yiu“, „Lok Yiu Wing Chun“ (and the corresponding Chinese characters), „ELYWCIMAA“ and the logo for „Lok Yiu Wing Chun“ are protected in Germany and in Europe as Trademarks.

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Si-Fu Sven Dittrich